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This page will have a copy of our latest Camp newsletter. We will update the page each month.

July 2012 Newsletter


Publisher: The Ogeechee Rifles Volume: 4 Issue: 60              19 July 2012

Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your Duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,

United Confederate Veterans,

New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.

Commander’s Column

I wanted to start out this month by making mention of the passing of Lee Deloach's mother, Ms. Lucille, this past month; we hope the family is doing well. At our last meeting we discussed a list of items for camp improvement submitted by Allen Jones which was met with much approval of those parts we made it to. One of these was the idea to sell ads on our website. Keep in mind we are developing a new website which will be more flexible and more interactive. This will give the camp a steady income stream and will lead people to our online Southern Heritage items we will have for sale. The second item was to create an annual event - i.e. Bluegrass Music, Gun Show or some other agreed upon by the brethren. This is something we have been talking about for some time now and we need to get moving. The third idea was a  Combined Company Campaign  which would be a paid historical gathering set during one weekend in each of the brigades camp locations. Another was to provide lectures that capitalize on the expertise and experiences of camp members by developing workshops where they present and attendees pay a fee; these would maybe revolve around programs on The Bulloch Troop or other such topics. 

We welcome input from all members on these  ideas, others will be discussed at this month's meeting. And finally, the monument project will commence mid Sept-Oct, the delay is due to the heat issues. I have recieved the contracts and hope to begin soon. Also anyone who still wishes to donate is welcome to visit the Sea Island Bank and help out. Be sure you contact me so your name can be recorded. Hoping all of you are well and will see you soon.

Michael A. Sorrell,


Ogeechee Rifles # 941.

Past and Present Business

Why I Fight for My Heritage

In the most recent edition of Confederate Veteran magazine, Dr. Thomas Hiter wrote eloquently about the reason he fights for his, and our, Southern Heritage. In his piece he described his ancestors from Kentucky who served during the War Between the States and all they suffered during that unnecessary conflict. Near the end of it, Dr. Hiter urged us all to tell our stories. This piece is my attempt to do so.

Like many of my generation, I was “educated” in the public school system to venerate Lincoln, the so-called Great Emancipator. I bought into the sham until college, when I began to research my mother’s family history, thanks to a cousin of her’s who had compiled a great deal of information. Part of that information dealt with Private General Lewis, Co. K., 47th Georgia Volunteer Infantry. General, who was a Bulloch Countian,  enlisted in Co. K on 21 February 1863 and served until October of 1864 when he was discharged in Whiteville, South Carolina due to typhoid fever. After the War he is found in the Returns of Qualified Voters and Reconstruction Oath Books on 13 August, 1867. General married three times: to Mary Rushing, Mary Jane DeLoach, and Elizabeth Sapp. His last wife, Elizabeth, applied for a Confederate pension in 1913, a year after his death.

It has taken me years to gain the information above on General and, in the meantime, I have found other Confederate ancestors in three of my main branches and the lines connected to those three. I have Kicklighters who served in the War - one of whom, J.S. Kicklighter, was sent to Camp Chase in Ohio. I also have Driggers ancestors who proudly served. Beyond that there are Cartees, Wilkinsons, Andersons, Durrences, and a whole slew of other names, connected to me by blood or marriage, or by both.

These men’s blood runs through my veins. Their experiences not only impacted them, but their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to this day. It is because of them that I am the man I am today and, because of that, I cannot and will not let their names and their actions fall by the wayside. I will not allow some ignorant Yankee, or some ignorant individual here in Dixie, to call them traitors, to vilify them for fighting for the independence their fathers and grandfathers had fought so hard for from 1775 to 1783.

As Dr. Hiter said, “Gentlemen, we must all tell our stories! ” I urge each and every one of you to do so. Write about your ancestors. Talk about them. Let your family and your neighbors, your co-workers and the people in your churches, know the truth about that War and about those proud men in butternut and grey whose actions and sacrifices put you on this Earth today.

Dues Are Due Soon

It’s that time of year again everyone. Please don’t forget your membership dues, which are to be paid in August. I believe there is a grace period for members that ends in November. Membership dues are sixty-one dollars.

March Newsletter